SMS: Admin SMS Page

SMS: Admin SMS Page

Two-Way Texting will allow your firm to communicate back and forth with your clients via text. A dedicated number is provided that clients can send texts to, and your firm can text your client's cell phone number via this feature.

Firm Administrators have the ability to access the Admin SMS page via the Ellipses at the bottom of the Left-Hand Menu. From the Admin SMS Page, Admins can see:

  1. What employees have activated an SMS Line
  2. All numbers for provisioned SMS Lines
  3. Line Type
  4. Last Update
  5. The Status of the SMS Line

Use this information to help stay informed and up-to-date on the status of your firm's SMS users. If you need assistance or have questions about provisioned SMS Lines, please reach out to your Liscio Account Manager, or to the Liscio Support Team.

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