How to Bulk Send Engagement Letters

How to Bulk Send Engagement Letters

You can send engagement letters to 100 clients at a time. Please contact Liscio Support to upload custom templates.  

Follow the steps below: 

1. Click Bulk Actions on the left-hand navigation.

2. Click Get Signature.

3. Filter by Entity, Relationship, Account Owner, or search by Account name.

4. Click the Search button. Your Contact list will now populate. (Note: Liscio will also show the date & title of the last Get a Signature task sent.)

5. Click the checkboxes next to each Contact that should receive an engagement letter. There are 25 contacts per page. 

6. At the bottom right of the page, click the next arrow (or type in a page number) to go to the next page to select additional Contacts. 


7. Continue through the pages of contacts until you have reached 100 contacts or until you have completed your list. 

8. Click Next Step.

9. Fill out the following fields: 

a. Due Date (Note: Learn about our automated task reminders here.)

b. Choose a Task Owner. The Task Owner will default to the user creating the Task. Task Owners will receive all notifications about the Task and will be responsible for reviewing signed letters. 

c. Choose the Document Type (Engagement Letter or Consent to Release).

d. Choose Select Document to choose your custom template.

e. Choose Select Partner to add the firm employee's signature onto the document. (Note: Depending on your template, you may not have a signature field for the partner signature. If this is the case, simply choose an employee from the dropdown to bypass the field.)

f. Type in a fee in the Fees box or input '0'. 


g. Edit your Subject Line or leave the default Subject Line in place. 

h. Enter a Description if needed. 

i. Click Preview Document


j. When previewing the document, click the Edit button in the upper-right corner to make changes to the letter for all Contacts. (Note: This will only change this instance of the letter. It will not edit the template stored in Liscio.) 

k. Once your changes have been made, click Save Document

l. Click Create Document

10. Review the recipient list. 

11. To remove recipients, click the trashcan icon on the far right. 

12. To edit the letter per contact (for example, if a client has a lower fee), click the eye icon and click Edit in the upper-right corner. 


13. Once reviewed, click Send Document

All Engagement Letters sent can be seen by:

1. Clicking on Tasks on your left-hand navigation.

2. Filtering by Type Get a Signature.

When letters are signed, they will automatically move from the Open Tasks tab to the Pending Review tab and the Task Owner will be notified. 

Signed copies of Engagement Letters are automatically stored in the Contact and Account's Liscio file section as PDFs. 

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