If you have Admin Permissions, client data can be exported from Contacts by selecting the cloud icon and the data you would like to download. A spreadsheet will then be saved to your device.
If you see duplicate individuals, this may be due to that person having multiple contact cards in Karbon. Each row represents one contact card—if you see the same key in column one, then they are not duplicates, just multiple contact cards.
In the Contact Type column of the exported file, please enter the entity type (i.e. S-Corp, Partnership, Trust, etc.). If no entity types are listed, accounts/clients will default to Individual or Organization.
Data Disclaimers:
- Do not send data files via email.
- The cleanliness of data uploaded depends on the cleanliness of the source data.
- If data is in all caps, we will convert to proper case. Please know names such as "MCDONALD" will convert to "Mcdonald".
- Data should include first names, last names, account/client names, email addresses, phone numbers, and entity types.
- Email addresses are extremely important. This is how you will send your invites to Liscio. Please include as many as possible!
- Mobile numbers must be classified as such in order to go under the Mobile Phone category.
- If no entity types (i.e. S-Corp, Partnership, Trust, etc.) are listed, accounts/clients will default to Individual or Organization.
- Contacts cannot share an email address.
- Phone numbers without area codes cannot be imported.
- Duplicate Account Names and Contact Names can occur if they exist in source data.
- Certain fields, such as Bank Account, Notes, or Birthdates, cannot be imported.