Disconnecting the eDoc Adobe Integration
Adobe Sign is integrated into Liscio through eDocs. Firm Admins have the ability to disconnect the Adobe Integration. This might be necessary if the designated Firm Admin needs to be changed, for example, if that employee leaves the firm. This allows ...
How to See Your eDoc and KBA Balances
Note: Only Firm Admins are able to see a Firm's eDoc and KBA balances. To see your eDoc and KBA balance: Click on the ellipses (three dots). Hover over Admin. Click Integrations. The Adobe Integration box will contain the eDoc (shown as "eSign") and ...
Liscio eDoc/KBA Pricing & Breakdown
Liscio has an Adobe Sign integration available. This integration is separate from the Get a Signature Task in Liscio. Below you'll find a quick description of the differences between the Get a Signature Task (used to capture signatures on Engagement ...
eDoc Authoring Tools
Prefill Recipient Under the Recipients drop-down menu, there is an option to select Prefill. Assigning fields to the Prefill recipient will allow firm users to fill in those fields before sending the document to your clients. This is useful if you ...
eDoc Template Examples
Attached are eDoc example templates in both PDF and Word format: General Tax Questionnaire ACH Authorization Form The questionnaire is hardcoded. This means the fillable fields will populate when uploaded to your eDoc Template Library. Related ...
PDF Reader Is Out of Date
There are many possible causes that can prevent a file from processing and rendering properly: The PDF or the file is damaged. The file type is unrecognizable. PDFs were created with non-Adobe programs. Dynamic PDF is created using Adobe Life Cycle ...
Adobe & Safari
In Safari, Apple has a default setting (Prevent Cross-Site Tracking) that prevents advertisers from putting a cookie on your browser, it is called Intelligent Tracking Prevention. Adobe looks for a cookie put on the computer by Liscio, which delivers ...
What To Do If My Email is Tied to an Adobe Account but Not Adobe Billing
If the email you intend to use is tied to an Adobe account, but not to Adobe billing, please contact Liscio Support. We can assist in contacting Adobe Support in order to merge your existing Adobe account with the new account you intend to create for ...
What To Do If Your Email Is Tied to a Paid Adobe Account
Adobe does not allow the merging of paid accounts. If the email you are intending to use is tied to a paid Adobe account, we recommend that an email alias is created. Learn how to create an alias here: Outlook alias, Gmail alias.
How to Use a Gmail Alias for Liscio's e-Signature Integration Setup
To use your Gmail address for Liscio's eSignature integration setup, you can simply add "+liscio" to your email address when setting up the Adobe Admin employee in Liscio. For example, if your email address is john@smithcpa.com, you can simply change ...
How to Create an Alias in Outlook
Note: You must be a Firm Admin to create an alias. In the admin center, go to the Users > Active users page. On the Active Users page, select the user > Manage email aliases. (This option will not appear if the person doesn't have a license ...
Why Should I Avoid a Personal Email Address an Adobe Sign Account?
When the Adobe Sign account is created, all signed copies and templates are stored here. It is best to use a work-related email because the Adobe Sign account is tied to the email address and can only be logged into using that email address. (For ...
How to Add a Firm Administrator for the Liscio Adobe Integration Without Being Charged for an Additional User
1. Click the ellipses (three dots) in the lower-left corner. 2. Click Admin. 3. Click Users. 4. Click +Employee. 5. For First Name, enter Adobe. 6. For Last Name, enter Admin. 7. For the Email, enter either the Outlook alias you created based on ...
How to Set Up eDocs
Adobe Sign is integrated into Liscio through eDocs. Please note that the integration setup process includes creating an Adobe Sign account and may present a few obstacles. Please visit the articles below to learn more: What do I do if the email I ...
How to Upload a Template to Liscio's eDoc Library
Note: Adobe Sign does not allow users to edit the text of a document. Adobe Sign only allows users to edit the document using the authoring tools, such as adding a text box or signature field. If edits should be made to the document, please make ...
What Counts as an e-Signature or KBA?
Liscio's e-signatures are per document, not per signature. For example, if two forms are combined and uploaded as a template and sent to two users, this will only count as one document. Please note that forms sent not including a signature block ...
How to Send an eDoc
1. Click +Add New. 2. Click eDoc. 3. Choose the Recipient(s) and click OK. Click back in the To field to add additional recipients. Note: eDocs can have multiple signers. This only counts as one document. 4. Choose to have a Signing Order or not. ...
How to Send an 8879 with a Form Field Layer
If you have not yet set up a Form Field Layer, you can learn how to do that here: How to Create a Form Field Layer (to Lay Over Reusable Forms). To send an 8879 and apply a Form Field Layer: 1. Click +Add New. 2. Click eDoc. 3. Choose a recipient ...
How to Create a Form Field Layer (to Lay Over Reusable Forms)
Form Field Layers are laid on top of forms to add signatures and other fillable fields. They are a great tool for Entity Returns or ACHs. To create a Form Field Layer: 1. Click eDocs. 2. Click Template Library. 3. Click +Add Template to Library. 4. ...
How to Bulk Send eDocs
You can send eDocs to 50 clients at a time. Please contact Liscio Support to purchase e-Signature and KBA bundles. Note: Fields cannot be prefilled by the sender when bulk sending eDocs. Follow the steps below: 1. Click Bulk Actions on the left-hand ...
What is KBA?
KBA stands for Knowledge Base Authentication and is an IRS-compliant way to verify the identity of a user signing an 8879 electronically. You must answer all the KBA questions correctly. Clients will be required to answer four questions. If they ...
Adobe Sign Limitations
Typeface (Fonts) Adobe Sign operates with a total of six fonts (Source Sans Pro, Source Serif Pro, Source Code Pro, Roboto, Slabo13px, and Lato). If templates in Liscio are set up using a font outside of Adobe's font list, problems may occur with the ...
How to Check the Status of an eDoc in Liscio
There are two ways to track eDocs after they have been sent. On the eDocs page: 1. Click EDOCS on the left-hand navigation. 2. Notice the status tabs at the top: In Progress (sent to signers) Completed (signed) Cancelled Draft (Pro-Tip: Deleting a ...
End-Users Associated with Another Adobe Account
If your client is having trouble accessing an eDoc, their email address could be associated with an Adobe Sign account. To resolve this issue, contact Liscio Support and they will work with you to contact Adobe Support. In most cases, Adobe Support ...
How to Send an eDoc With Multiple Signers (8879 with KBA example)
eDocs can be sent to more than one person for signature, for example, a husband and wife. Here's how: 1. Click +Add New. 2. Click eDoc. 3. Click in the To field to add the first recipient. 4. Select a Recipient and an Account. 5. Click OK to add ...
How to View an eDoc After It Has Been Sent
1. Click EDOCS on the left-hand navigation. 2. Under the In Progress tab, click on the eDoc you want to view. 3. Click the Download icon in the upper-right corner. This will download the document as a PDF so you can see what you sent to your client. ...
Signed Documents are Password Protected PDFs
To ensure that signed agreements are not modified, Adobe Sign password protects them. Adobe will allow you to change the password to one that you select. That will allow you to modify the documents. However, Adobe will discourage you from doing so ...
How to e-Sign an 8879 with KBA (Knowledge Base Authentication)
Please note that some web browsers may not play well with Adobe. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox when electronically signing. 1. Log into Liscio. 2. Click on the Task on your Home page or in the Tasks page. 3. The task description will ...
Combining eDoc Templates Into a Single eDoc
Please note that multiple eDoc templates should not be attached to a single eDoc unless fields have been uniquely named on each template. The field name for each form is the same. This means that when the client enters data on the first form in the ...
Assigning Fields to Two Recipients in eDocs
When you are setting up an eDoc with multiple recipients, you can assign fields to a specific participant. You can also assign the fields to Anyone which means either user can fill them out. To assign a field: 1. Double click on the field to edit. 2. ...
How to Cancel an eDoc Agreement
1. Click EDOCS on the left-hand navigation. 2. Click on the agreement in progress. 3. Click the Cancel Agreement button in the upper-right corner. 4. Enter a reason for canceling the agreement. 5. Click Yes. 6. The associated task will be closed ...
E-file Authorization using KBA
Note: The IRS requires identity verification when using e-Signature. If identity cannot be verified, the document must have a hand-written signature. Liscio has the option for eDocs to have verified e-Signatures using KBA (Knowledge Base ...