Conditional Questions
What are Conditional Questions? Conditional Questions on Requests are questions that only populate for the assigned individual to complete if they answer the prerequisite question before it. For example: Did your marital status change last year? ...
Bulk Sending Requests
Requests allow you to easily get the information you need from your clients. Perfect for client onboarding, monthly close checklists, tax questionnaires, organizers, and return delivery. Create a list from scratch or use custom pre-built templates. ...
Sorting and Filtering Requests
Liscio Requests can be filtered and sorted in a variety of ways. These options will allow you to quickly find and access Requests depending on the options you select. Sorting Requests There are two options for Sorting Requests. Due Date Last Activity ...
Changing the Due Date of a Request
As a firm user, you may have situations where you need to change the due date on a Request that's been sent to a Client, or even another firm user in Liscio. Here's how to do that. From the Dashboard, navigate to the Requests Page. Any Open or ...
Re-Opening Requests
Re-Opening Requests lets clients update answers and upload files for previously submitted Requests. This is helpful for correcting mistakes or making updates. Re-Opening a Request Navigate to the Requests Page or client's Account Timeline. Find the ...
Recalling Sent Requests
Recalling a request removes it from the client’s Liscio account but keeps it visible on your Requests page as 'Recalled.' Reasons to recall: Sent the wrong request. Details changed, requiring a new request. Organizer not opened; recalling credits ...
Collaborating on Requests
Editing responses on a request lets you answer questions and upload files on behalf of your client. It's ideal for handling responses received outside the request, such as dropped-off files or phone conversations. This avoids duplicate effort for ...
Editing Requests & Request Templates
Your firm may want to make edits to a Request or a Request template, and you have a number of different ways. Let's take a look at all the ways you can edit a Request to accomplish different end-goals. Editing a Request that was created from a ...
Exporting Request Answers and Documents
Requests streamline client interactions for onboarding, monthly close checklists, tax questionnaires, organizers, and return delivery. Documents and answers provided within the request can be easily exported to a ZIP file, including a complete PDF ...
Sending Tax Questionnaires through Requests
Requests allow you to easily get the information you need from your clients. This feature is perfect for sending Tax Questionnaires to your clients. You can accomplish this in a few different ways. Sending our Standard Tax Questionnaire Template ...
Requests Templates
Requests allow you to easily get the information you need from your clients. Perfect for client onboarding, monthly close checklists, tax questionnaires, organizers, and return delivery. Create a list from scratch or use the standard templates. ...
Creating a Request
Requests allow you to easily get the information you need from your clients. Perfect for client onboarding, monthly close checklists, tax questionnaires, organizers, and return delivery. Create a list from scratch or use custom pre-built templates. ...
Requests FAQs
Requests allow you to easily get the information you need from your clients. Perfect for client onboarding, monthly close checklists, tax questionnaires, organizers, and return delivery. Create a list from scratch or use custom pre-built templates. ...