Smart Tax Organizers
Smart Tax Organizer Template Options
Smart Tax Organizer Template Options Our three template options help you gather the right information from your clients without the confusing and overly-complicated traditional organizer process. See our options below and choose the right one for ...
Tax Organizers: Troubleshooting Organizers That Didn't Process
Using Requests, firms can send Smart Tax Organizers, customized from their tax vendor's organizer, directly to their clients through Liscio. Instead of directing clients to an external site or program to complete the organizer, they can conveniently ...
Organizer Worksheets for Business and Rental Property Income
With Liscio's Request feature, firms can import and send out Tax Organizers to Individual (1040) clients directly through Liscio! For clients with Business and Rental Property Income on their Tax Organizers from previous years, we state ""For us to ...
Business Organizers
With Requests, firms are able to send out their client's Individual Tax Organizers directly through Liscio, but many firms have asked us for the ability to send out Business Organizers as well. With that in mind, we've created a number of standard ...
Progress Bar Calculation
The Progress Bar percentage for Requests is calculated as: (Questions Answered) ÷ (Total Questions + Relevant Conditional Questions). Relevant Conditional Questions (or "child" questions) are included in the denominator if they apply based on the ...
Liscio Organizer Client Announcement Template
With the release of Liscio's Organizer feature, your firm may wish to communicate changes in how you will be putting organizers into your client's hands this year. Here's a template that you can use to make sure your clients know what's going on, and ...
Bulk Printing Organizers from Lacerte
Important Notes Before Printing Page Limit for Pre-Organizer Content: The pages preceding the first page of the organizer (e.g., client demographic/personal information page) should not exceed 25 pages. This includes the cover letter, inserts (such ...
Bulk Printing Organizers from Intuit ProSeries
Important Notes Before Printing Page Limit for Pre-Organizer Content: The pages preceding the first page of the organizer (e.g., client demographic/personal information page) should not exceed 25 pages. This includes the cover letter, inserts (such ...
Bulk Printing Organizers from Drake
Important Notes Before Printing Page Limit for Pre-Organizer Content: The pages preceding the first page of the organizer (e.g., client demographic/personal information page) should not exceed 25 pages. This includes the cover letter, inserts (such ...
Bulk Printing Organizers from CCH
Important Notes Before Printing Page Limit for Pre-Organizer Content: The pages preceding the first page of the organizer (e.g., client demographic/personal information page) should not exceed 25 pages. This includes the cover letter, inserts (such ...
Organizers: Importing
Using Requests, firms can send Smart Tax Organizers, customized from their tax vendor's organizer, directly to their clients through Liscio. Instead of directing clients to an external site or program to complete the organizer, they can conveniently ...
Bulk Printing Organizers from UltraTax
Important Notes Before Printing Page Limit for Pre-Organizer Content: The pages preceding the first page of the organizer (e.g., client demographic/personal information page) should not exceed 25 pages. This includes the cover letter, inserts (such ...
How to Send an Organizer to a Client
With Requests, firms are able to send Organizers from the most popular tax programs through Liscio to their clients. Rather than send your clients to another site or program to complete the organizer, they'll be able to answer those important ...
Automated Client Matching for Returns & Organizers
Liscio matches the imported organizers and tax returns to the right Accounts by reading the client ID that populates the name of the organizer PDF when printed from your tax software. For this to work properly, you will have to match the External IDs ...
Liscio Organizer FAQs
Liscio Organizers: Need to Know You asked for it. We listened! Firms can now send their customized Tax Organizers through Liscio, utilizing our Requests feature. By sending them in this way, firms will: Provide a client-friendly way for their ...