Liscio Organizer FAQs

Liscio Organizer FAQs

Liscio Organizers: Need to Know

You asked for it. We listened! Firms can now send their customized Tax Organizers through Liscio, utilizing our Requests feature. By sending them in this way, firms will:
  1. Provide a client-friendly way for their end-users to easily, quickly complete their organizers.
  2. Increase productivity and efficiency, as completed organizers will instantly be available to firm users.
  3. Save money, since they won't have to pay printing and postage costs.
  4. Improve response-rate for Tax Organizers, as you put them right into client's web browsers on both computers and mobile devices. Multiple ways to access = fewer excuses not to complete it.
  5. See progress in real-time. No more waiting for clients to click submit!
No more waiting for clients to complete Tax Organizers. No more overly expensive costs for return envelopes or toner. No more having to wait till the client finally returns the organizer only to see that you have half the information or documents. With our Organizers feature, you have real-time visibility and access, and your clients can complete them in the same place they communicate with you already. Let's learn some more!

What Tax Software can I use with Organizers?

UltraTax, CCH Axcess, Drake, Lacerte, ProSeries, and ATX.

How are Tax Organizers Tailored?

When imported into Liscio, the organizer automatically generates tailored questions by analyzing each client's prior year's information. This ensures that clients are presented only with relevant questions, minimizing confusion and unnecessary questions. The client's full organizer will be attached at the top of their Liscio Organizer so they can reference it, print it, etc.

How can Clients Complete the Liscio Organizer?

Clients will have the option to complete their organizer from their computer web browser, mobile browser, mobile app, or tablet. Questions are auto-saved as they work, so they can switch between devices if desired.

If clients have paper documents, they can use the Liscio Mobile App or their mobile browser to scan the documents directly into Liscio. The images will be automatically converted to PDF.

How do I Send Organizers?

Download your organizers from your tax software, and then go to the Requests page in Liscio. There's an import button that you can use to upload all your organizers through (full, step-by-step instructions here)!

How do we Track Client Progress with Liscio Organizer?

As clients progress through the questionnaire, any updates are instantly reflected for the firm in real time. This eliminates the need to wait for the client to submit all information before starting work. The firm gains immediate access to their answers and source documents as clients navigate through the organizer, effectively addressing the challenge of clients providing information without submitting it to the firm.

Requests feature a progress bar, allowing you to track the client's completion percentage and monitor their progress.

Can I use Tax Organizers in Liscio for all Clients?

Yes! Liscio Organizers meet the needs of all types of clients: traditional clients who want full organizers, busy clients who want personally-tailored organizers, and the new-generation of clients who want fully mobile organizers.

Eliminate the need for separate processes for paper clients. You can send a Liscio Organizer to your paper clients alongside traditional paper methods. Whether information is received by mail, in person, or over the phone, your firm can efficiently edit answers, upload files on behalf of the client, and maintain an accurate progress bar. This ensures your team stays on the same page, regardless of how clients submit their information.

How are Organizers Billed?

As they are sent via Liscio or by pre-purchase.

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