How to Create a Get a Signature Task

How to Create a Get a Signature Task

1. Click +Add New in the upper-left of your screen.

2. Click Task.

3. Click Get a Signature.

4. Select the Account and Contact.

5. Select Document Type and the Document (Note: To add templates to your document selection, please contact

6. If choosing an Engagement Letter: Select the Partner and a fee (or input '0').

7. Select a Task Owner. This is the employee who will receive a notification when the task is marked complete. 

8. Select a Due Date (or make it recurring).  

9. Create a custom Subject Line and Description, or click into the subject line and select a Task Template

10. Click Preview Task.

11. Click Edit to customize the document for the selected recipient.

12. Click Save Document (or Update and Save if you edited the letter).

13. Click Create Task.

The letter has now been sent to your client. The Contact can sign the letter from the Mobile App or desktop.  When the client completes the Task, it will be moved to your firm's Pending Review tab and the Task Owner will be notified .

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